
目前顯示的是 4月, 2010的文章

Sara Schiralli -- Bang Bang

Strange kind of feels unguided I think the voice of life went It went bang bang in my head And now it's just a little exciting Like more than perfect timing It goes bang bang in my head And in this moment I'm just a little weak And in this moment I cannot quite find my feet And in this moment I could see this day leave me And in this moment I'm wandering effortlessly And in this moment I have questions burning They go bang bang in my head And so I will not deny this Not even try and fight it It goes bang bang in my head Like that, that the fever takes hold And the peoples hands go They go bang bang in my head And in this moment I'm just a little weak And in this moment I cannot quite find my feet And in this moment I could see this day leave me And in this moment I'm wandering effortlessly And in this moment i have questions burning They go bang bang in my head            


    這部是最近在看的2005開播的影集,目前看到第五季了。很有趣的影集,故事主軸是2個兒子的單親媽媽為了扶家賣大麻,從單幫變成大戶,再混雜黑社會,講到了很多的家庭相處和人際關係。 隨著劇情發展的同時,對劇中人物的個性和歷程發展,很多時候都不禁會想,這是怎樣搞砸的人生。裡面的兩個小孩,愈看愈討厭,怎麼會有這樣自私任性又顧人怨的小孩!?即便到第三季、第四季,Silas換了髮型,大量的以上空甚至背面全裸的驕傲展現他那「青春無敵的肉體」,再怎麼yum,那個性還是… 單親媽媽Nancy,對她有印象的第一部電影是遙遠的油炸綠蕃茄,不過,所有帶著氣質的清純和衿持,也只維持到第四季和墨西哥黑手黨頭頭上床前,突然,她就舒服自在的現露出那對白晰粉嫩的咪咪~。在幾乎所有男女角色都有機會展現他們的胴體後,本來還以為再怎麼樣,她應該頂多行為放浪,但不會在鏡頭前光溜溜的…。 "So fucked up!" 是因為大麻、毒品?還是因為驕縱任性?好像在挑戰大麻合法化的話題同時,許多不想負責、不願承擔的真實人性也在這影集裡面。看的很不順眼,卻不由自主一直看下去、不由自主反省自己,應該沒這樣fucked up才對 XD 這影集還沒結束,第六季剛查到,會在今年2010夏天上映。 官方網站 http://www.sho.com/site/weeds/home.do 維基 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weeds_(TV_series)